On the Fringe of Fashion

How can you make old things new again? Apparently, these days, you just add a bunch of fringe to it and it automatically becomes styley and amazing. Just like the land we live on and illegal gaming, we have appropriated yet another Native American ritual: putting fringe on everything--and I have to say; I personally love it.

Boots, sandals, purses and dresses, it seems that I can't go anywhere without getting hit in the face with fringe. This is because fringe is festive. With the economy going under, we all need a festive pick-me-up and fringe makes you shake. It's the nature of the beast. So make everyday a party and shake your way into the New Year with the above Tracy Zych fringe bag.

You will inevitably inspire good vibes with everyone you will inadvertantly hit with all that fringe. Plus, anything fringe is going to match with your slutty Pocahontas Halloween costume. There, now you won't feel bad that you bought something that will look absolutely ridiculous in two months. It's fringe for god sakes!