Zara skirt and top, New Balance sneakers, Felix Rey bag, Ray-Ban sunglasses
Having an Asian mom is one of my greatest blessings, because they are absolutely hilarious. I even feel sorry for people who don't have Asian moms, because if you don't have one, then who the heck is giving you the straight ugly truth about anything? For example, in high school they had these "safe sex" seminars where they would be all "hey you're having sex? That's cool. Just make sure you're using condoms or birth control, ok?" As if carrying around a tiny raw egg for a week deterred anyone from having sex. My mom on the other hand, told me she was going to give it to me straight. She told me that if I had sex, I would get pregnant at 16 and then my entire life would be over because I'd be married to the idiot that got me pregnant and living with my parents forever and I'd have a "used up and dying body (lol)." That's some powerful words. But she's like that with everything, big or small. "Oh, no make-up today? Ew. Go put on some make-up" or "Your two front teeth are going buck" or "Sneakers with skirts? That's ugly... really not cute." And that's pretty much what I heard this whole weekend. I told her she was rude, but she says she's the only one that's really got my back. It's true. Without her, I could be out there make-up less, with buck teeth, wearing sneakers with skirts looking like a hot mess. That's what I call a mother's love.
Rue Gembon and my own rings, Felix Rey bag, Hermes bracelet