On the Fence

Everytime I go shopping, I inevitably always make a stop at Old Navy. If any of my shopping companions ever ask if we should go in, I always answer "of course." And to this very day, I don't own one thing that I actually wear from Old Navy. So why do I go in? Because it always sounds like a good idea. I see the jungle of chinos and peasant tops and something in my brain clicks on, and I'm hopeful that I will find something good for 2 bucks--even though I never have before. Well, there's a lot of stuff out there that sounds like a good idea to me, and yet I can't make a decision on whether or not I like it. Here are a few, and feel free to give me your opinion on whether or not I should hate it.

1. Leggings-- Actually I love leggings. I love them despite the fact that they make my legs look like old man walking sticks. What I'm not sure that I like are leggings underneath those short jean mini-skirts. I'm leaning towards roach and trashy, but you tell me.

2. Peasant Tops-- They're empire waisted, embroidered and sometimes even bedazzled. All three of these things, in theory, sound pretty good to me. But when I actually see a peasant top all I keep thinking is that they actually look like "peasant" tops.

3. Leg warmers-- Ok this is one that I really really love. I have purchased two pairs of hot leg warmers when I was in Japan and I love them, and yet have still not rocked them. Deep down, I know that they're roach, but I can't let it go. I think they're so cool with black stilletos--cool in a chic street walker kind of way.

4. Lil' Kim jackets-- The small puffy jackets with the fur on the hood. I'm not actually on the fence with this one. I love it, I own one, and don't talk smack about it because I will throw down like a gangsta.