BCBG Shoes...I Think

2009-10-21 BCBG shoes2009-10-21 bcbg shoes2What ARE these? I mean, I think they're shoes, but they can also be BCBG's weirdest mistake.  First of all, are those boots or is that a funky cow hoof?  If they are in fact boots, then the person wearing them has a huge surprise because they're feet are now going to look like funky cow hoofs.  And are those pumps supposed to have that weird piece of cement stuck to it? It's hard to believe that BCBG, the same designer that designs Herve Leger and bandage dresses brought us...this.  It's kinda sad, because he probably thought that Posh Spice would be all up on these cause she's alien weird too.  But, instead, they just look like they're trying too hard.  I'm sure you'll see these at Ross in about a month; the place where clothes go to die.