Nasty Gal dress, All Saints jacket, Chinese Laundry shoes, Ray-Ban sunglasses
First birthday parties can be so tiring and so boring. I mean what 36 year old wants to watch a tiny baby ruin a perfectly good cake and then throw a huge tantrum because she can't nap in her luxurious mobile stroller bed? But I discovered how to make baby birthday parties WAY more fun. My tip: wear whatever the baby is wearing! For example, my baby's party was a Princess Party so I wore my own ridiculous giant tulle Princess Dress and immediately drank three champagnes. Major success for me and the baby. I'm ready for next year! Onesie party? Superhero party? Hopefully I can convince her to do a ballerina birthday party, I have a great Black Swan tutu that needs to be worn somewhere. #WhyNotAtABabysBirthdayParty