Zara sweater and shoes, Club Monaco shorts, Ray-Ban sunglasses
I'm the type of person that definitely cracks. If this was a James Bond situation where I held some important world collapsing information, then you should start implementing your doomsday survival plans. For example, I always knew that in a zombie apocalypse, I would probably turn into one of the zombies with the crazy eyes and blunt bangs out to eat your face within minutes. I don't like a struggle. Not to say that I'm a weak person, because I love, and will engage in an eye-scratching girl-fight if need be. But when it seems that the odds are against me, and there's going to be a lot of torture, I'll just crack like an egg because, not only do I not like a struggle, I also don't want to get flayed (which is my personal nightmare). That is until I was watching "Alien" and my husband asked me who I would be if I was on that doomed ship, The Nostromo. I told him I would probably be that guy that gets incubated for the whole movie until the Alien rips through his chest. Or that guy that screams "game over man, game over!" in the sequel before he dies. I could see his disappointment when I said this, because who you identify with in "Alien" is who you are in life. So he says. And then he kept screaming the most valuable life lesson that I have learned since being married: "Be Ripley! Don't be that other guy! Be Ripley!!" And it's actually helped me immensely in everything I do. Like yesterday, I was at Sunglass Hut and the sales guy brought over extra glasses for me to try on (which I only do to oblige them). Instead of trying them on, I was Ripley and told the guy "no thank you" and kept shopping. See? "That other guy" no longer.
Hermes, Vita Fede, Stella and Dot, Cartier rings