BCBG dress, Club Monaco leather jacket, Coach sandals, Ray-Ban sunglasses
I've learned a lot since I've been blogging the last few months, many things that are really unexplainable to me. One of those things are the types of photos to take for posting on social media. Everyone knows about the macarons, that's pretty old news. Photos of macarons for some reason are blogger gold. I never remember being a lover of macarons when I was young, and even now I think they're pretty good, but better than an Almond Joy? I don't think so. They're not even the cutest of all the desserts. Hello petit fours?? Those are actually teeny tiny mini cakes for god sakes! Still no love like the love for a macaron.
Flower photos are also really good. However, if you decide to take a photo of flowers then there better be a fucking peony in it. Even if you're not THAT into peonies, you still better just get some and you should caption it "my weekly flower run". I don't know if you actually have to buy them though. If you want to take photos of food, do brunch food. ALWAYS and ONLY brunch food. Bloggers love to brunch and let everyone know it. Don't know why. It's all unexplainable and arbitrary but these are the rules. I haven't taken pictures of any of these things though, mainly because I don't think that people will believe that I'm the the girl who's heading out at 10:00 am to the flower market maintaining all these flowers in my all white apartment, then heading to brunch with my peonies and lavender infused macarons. I'm actually allergic to flowers, I don't like brunch food and macarons will never be my favorite dessert. If you saw me doing my favorite thing, you would see me going to a "Saw" movie with some beef sticks--with the first stick to be eaten after "first kill". Something tells me the words "first kill" isn't a popular blogger hashtag.
Hermes, Vita Fede and Anarchy Street bracelets