Express for Men button-up, Club Monaco shorts, Belle by Sigerson Morrison shoes, Chanel bag, Ray-Ban sunglasses
Yes, this shirt that I am wearing is taken from the guys--my guy to be exact. I took it from him this weekend because I thought I might as well since I was doing a lot of taking recently. This shirt was taken from him right after our prime rib dinner when I had called dibs on his prime rib bone. Yes, I called dibs on the bone because the bone looked so special. It was grilled and roasted separately and then laid on top of the meat like a giant meat garnish. I was just going to go in for a little bite and then take the rest home to the puppy to gnaw on. But, the next day, as I was handing the bone down to the pups, something weird happened: I put the bone in MY OWN mouth! And I kept gnawing it on it for the next 30 minutes. No, there's not much meat on it, but the meat juices were so tantalizing that it was more satisfying than chewing off the cartilage from chicken wing--which is saying a lot. I am astounded that the restaurant would give this bone to you at the dinner table because the only way you can chew on this thing is to just go absolutely crazy with it! There was meat juice in my bangs! It was like I could see through the millions of millennia to our ancestors sitting in a cave chewing on the same prime rib gigantic warm juicy bone and I realized that I was never going to give this bone up to that poor dog.
My brother's wise words have never rung truer than that moment: If humans were not meant to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?
David Yurman, Stella and Dot, Anarchy Street and Svelte Metals bracelets, Michele watch, Anarchy Street and Melinda Maria rings