Club Monaco jacket, Aqua x Bloomingdales shirtdress, Tibi booties, Ray-Ban sunglasses
I absolutely LOVE this green suede jacket. I love it so much that I refuse to let this jacket become "that item". We all have "that item" or a lot of "that item". It's the items of clothing or shoes that you buy because it's so cool and special, but then goes straight to the back of the closet and slowly dies there for years until you start purging your closet for stuff to donate. Well, I was not going to let the next time I saw this jacket be when I was about to throw it into a garbage bag to be sent to Salvation Army just because it's hard to find something that matches with pea green on a regular basis. No, I was going to do the opposite and wear it ALL THE TIME and since I can only find two outfits so far that match this jacket you'll be seeing me in this black shirtdress a lot. Case in point: I've already worn this outfit at least four times. That's a lot for a jacket that makes me look like a soup. Now that I've proven my point, I think I can take a break from it for a while. Pea green is really wearing on me and I have the perfect place to store it in my closet.